In 1944, a young man who had spent his early years around Matangi, perceived an opening for a motor repair business in Tauwhare. His name was Ray Richardson and he then lived on Mr John Pope's farm on Tahuroa Road (now C. Fletcher's) where he began repairing vehicles in a farm shed. He then moved house and workshop to buildings on Dingle's farm, until 1945 when he bought a section from Mr Bill Morey who then owned the store on the east side of the road. The price paid for the section was Thirty five pounds but with legal and survey costs the total came to Ninety eight pounds. One condition agreed to by the parties was that no petrol pumps were to be installed.
The brick workshop was erected in 1946. Also in 1946 he bought a bus and operated the school bus service until 1953, when he sold the bus to A. Perno because the repair business demanded he spend more time in the workshop. In 1949 the brick house was built.
Ray's willingness to give anything a try meant that he soon built up a sound business, which ran until his health obliged him to sell out in 1963. Mr and Mrs Richardson moved to Tauranga where Ray's knowledge soon found him in the retail side of the motor parts industry.
The new owners Bob and Betty Brockway, trading under the name of Tauwhare Motors, bought adjoining land, and by December 1965 had built a new and larger workshop which was later enlarged to include a showroom and office. The change of site removed the restriction on motor fuel supply, and Mr Brockway was successful in his application to the appropriate authority, which authorised two pumps. In 1966 a farm delivery service for petrol and diesel began.
When the store closed in 1975 Mr Brockway became Postmaster. At the same time a few essential groceries, bread and newspapers were carried. The garage and shop closed down on the 21st May 1981. The Post Office was officially and permanently closed on the 15th July 1981.

Tauwhare Centennial History 1884-1984