In the Waikato Times of the 1st December 1885 appeared an advertisement by the Waikato Land Association to the effect that     the Tauwhare Accommodation House, with Blacksmith's Shop and paddock attached, was available to a suitable tenant on very favourable terms.
Thomas Slade paid rates on one acre of land for a Blacksmithy in March 1887. In the Times of the 3rd October 1902 there appeared a news item announcing that Mr Thomas Slade had just acquired the Blacksmith Shop opposite the Accommodation House at Tauwhare. He intended opening a general business there and the shop would be in charge of "Mr Frank Windsor, a thoroughly competent workman". Mr Slade could have confidence in his manager because he had served his apprenticeship with Slades of Hamilton East.
Mr Windsor used to make most of his horse shoes and slippers. The latter was lighter and were attached to racehorses just before a race. For many years they cost six shillings and four shillings a set respectively. The local farrier sometimes travelled long distances to plate horses before a race.
Mr Windsor's first shop was a small building with an earth floor and shutters for windows. Over the years it became dilapidated but it still served its purpose. Piles of used horseshoes gave the walls support until, along with much other rubbish, they were buried under Smith's front lawn.
In 1932 Mr Windsor leased, and later sold, the business to Mr Harry Kirkman. Mr Kirkman's house is now Stokes. However, this was the time of the great depression and the business came back on the vendor's hands so Mr Windsor continued for a few more years. He was assisted in these years by Mr Barney Hughes who was very interested in racehorses and specialised in plating horses for race meetings.
Forging often needed two people and Myrtle Windsor often held the metal in the tongs while her father wielded the hammer. Her sister, Arnie, used to hold the horses while they were being shod.
In 1946, along came young Trevor Smith who at the age of 18, took over the lease. He had just served his apprenticeship with A. M. Bisley and Co Ltd., Engineers and Machinery Merchants of Hamilton. He continued to shoe horses as well as do general repair work. Mr Windsor, who lived across the road with his daughter and son-in-law, Myrtle and Doug Fell, still helped out, although he was becoming stooped with years of work. Trevor made hinges and gudgeons which he sold to the Hamilton Machinery Exchange. He began building farm trailers to the stage of the tray. Then he had to dismantle them and complete them outside as the doors were too narrow to get them out in one piece.
In March 1951, Trevor bought the business, but before the deal was finalised and insurances transferred, the building burned down. This made it virtually impossible for Trevor to carry on, as he had lost everything including a brand new welding and gas set which were an essential part of the business. Mr Windsor had the building insured and appreciating Trevor's predicament and the district's need for the business to continue, he gave Trevor the insurance money. The district farmers took up a collection to help him start again and this encouragement caused him to do just that. Temporary premises were provided in Mr Mick Hanan's haybarn (now Stokes) for three months, while Trevor, his father and two brothers, and J. Russell, built another workshop on the old site.
Like its predecessor, the new shop opened to the road but it had double doors and a concrete floor. The old forge with hand bellows was still used. As well as the new workshop, a small house was built. Trevor and his wife, Val, felled trees at Matangi for timber for both buildings.
The present large workshop, made necessary to cope with a growing business, was built in 1962 by a builder, but Trevor made the steel trusses. The retail hardware shop began operating in the same year.
Apart from the usual run of metal products the business soon specialised in making stock crates, and trucks came from far and wide to have them tailor made. A map in the office, with drawing pins marking the locations where the crates had gone, told the story. Trevor Smiths reputation for making a good product at a reasonable price had spread far and wide. Local residents never ceased to wonder how Trevor kept up the gruelling pace he set himself. In all this he was loyally supported by his wife Val as cook, office girl, spray painter to name a few positions she filled. Staff came and went, but those who stayed long term were Keith Norris, Graham Baucke and Val's sister, Lyn McCurdy.
On the 25th June 1983, on the occasion of the opening of the new additions to the hall, the residents of Tauwhare and surrounding districts reluctantly said farewell, and wished Val and Trevor a happy retirement at Thames.
Mr James Connolly took over the business and began trading as Trevor M. Smith Limited 1983.

Frank Windsor
He was born at Tamahere in 1879 and received his primary schooling there. He came to Tauwhare as blacksmith in 1902 and married in 1905. There were three daughters of the marriage - Amie (later Mrs Vorback) born 1906, Myrtle (Mrs Fell) born 1909 and Dorothy (Mrs Whitley) born 1911. Mrs Windsor died in 1939.
Because of the nature of his work, Frank Windsor acquired a great knowledge of horses, their ways and foibles. In the days before veterinarians were readily available, he was often called upon to treat sick horses, and his skill was much appreciated. A good horseman himself, he continued as a gentleman rider until his 60th year. He also trained and raced his own horses, among the best being Capstar, Windsor Lad and Owen.
Among his many interests were the local rugby and wrestling clubs. He was a warden of the Anglican Church for 14 years, and a trustee of the original Hall Committee as well as serving as Secretary of the School Committee. He died in 1955.
Because of his long service to the people of Tauwhare, Frank Windsor occupies a unique position in its history. Many tales are told of his practical jokes. He would dive out of his den waving a piece of red hot iron to frighten unsuspecting children passing by. The district felt they had lost a good friend when he passed on.

Tauwhare Centennial History 1884-1984