This came into being in 1903. Prior to that, any major drainage work in Tauwhare was done by the Hauraki Drainage Board or the Tamahere Road Board.
In February 1890, Mr G. Walworth and others asked the Road Board to lower the outfall of the Waitakaruru Stream. The Board agreed to pay Seven pounds out of a total cost of Twenty one pounds. Mr Walworth operated the Store and Temperance Hotel, which had holding paddocks at the rear, probably prone to flooding.
In the 1920's hardworking Dalmatians improved the flow by widening and straightening the stream along some of its length. Over the years the Drainage Board continued to improve drainage by widening and deepening the drains and clearing willows.
During 1968 a move was made to set up a separate Waitakaruru sub-division, and assurances were sought from the Hauraki Catchment Board that subsidies would be available. Because of his interest in drainage in the area Mr R. J. Sattrup attended a meeting by invitation in June 1969. A public meeting to consider the proposal was held in the Tauwhare Hall in October 1969. Mr Leeson, the classifier attended. In 1970 the Board struck a rate on an acreage basis of: Class A One pound, Class B 50 cents, Class C 25 cents.
Mr Sattrup represented the Waitakaruru sub-division 1971-77, Mr A. H. Silvester 1977-79 and Mr George Langley is the present member. Mr Russell Cooper represented the Tauwhare Sub-division until his sudden death in August 1983. Mr L. Main has since been appointed to the position. Keeping the drains in good working order is still important to those with low lying land.

Tauwhare Centennial History 1884-1984