Tamahere and the surrounding district as from the time of the Maori War.
The district consisted for this survey of the Cambridge Road Board and part of Tamahere Road Board. The Boards were later incorporated into the Waikato County ridings. The area concerned - Leslies Gully at the cities Boundary, west to river, south beyond Bald Hill, east covering an acreage on north side of Mangaone Stream, which includes Leslies farm "Wartle" and all the land to Crawford Gully on the Matangi Road.
The Cambridge Riding extended to the Borough Boundary, but the far end I will omit.
The meaning of Tamahere is "Boy Tied Up", which is told of the Maori maiden from the East coast travelling to meet her husband from Kawhia, arriving at the river, and tying her son on her back to swim across.
The full story is set out in the Tamahere School Centennial booklet.
Before the war the area was owned by the Ngatihaua's, who grew their own food beside their encampments along the river. There are Kumara pits and fortifications all by the river, which was used as a waterway for travellers in their canoes.
Further back, were pah's used as retreats in case of an attack from the river. Pukeroro - Brain Hill - being one, with high banks and a pallisade surround. The out line still shows, under its cover of pines.
After the Maori War, the land was confiscated, but a portion was returned to the loyal subtribe under Te Rahi - 15,000 acres. All the Maoris were spend­thrifts, and ultimately the land was sold, most of the money found its way back to the Cambridge shops and the local pubs. Drink was one thing that the Maoris haven't been able to catch up on. They were in debt to Captain Steele to some £120.00. Captain Steele had entertained them at Sunnyside.Hillcrest and put on a "do", and they had this money to pay back. Permission from the Government was given that the Maoris could sell their land and most of it was sold to the white man; Captain Steele acquired quite a big acreage, as did Ensign James Crawford on the Eastern side of the Mangaone stream. Ultimately the Maoris, sold the remaining land, returning to the Hinuera valley adjacent to the Penitito Burial ground, and Pukemoromoro at the foot of the hills - a village remained between Matangl anaTauwhare.
William Australia Graham, was associated with his father, George Graham at the surrender of Tamihana, at Tamahere on the two chain road between Bruntwood and Tamahere. Mr W.A. Graham, accompanined his father, when he went on the trip to Matamata, in the well known episode, of collecting Tamihana, and bringing him back to meet General Carey.
The whole story is set out in "Armed Settlers".
The site has never had a memorial set up defining the event, which took place, somewhere close to McMillan's farm.
The story of the surrender is also set out in the Illustrated London News of 2nd September 1865.
The signing took place on the 27th May 1865 "the consent that the laws of the Queen, be laws for the Ring (Maori,) to be a protection for us all for ever and ever. This is the sign of making peace, my coming into the presence of my fighting friend, General Carey.
(Signed)     William Thompson     Te ReWiti        Hone
     Riki         Rihia         Parata
Tamahere, 27th May 1865
(Signed)    George J. Carey, Brigadier General
    George Graham

William Thompson stands five feet seven'inches high, has a careworn expression, as is slightly tattoed; his eye is small, but most intelligent.
He seemed completely crestfallen when he gave his submission, but after the covenant was signed, it was evident that his mind was much relieved. It is to Mr George Graham, that belongs mainly the credit of inducing Thompson to come in, and he deserves the special thanks of both Imperial and Colonial Governments.
Mr H.G.M. Norris in Armed Settlers notes that there was tension amongst the Maoris, following the Sullivan murder and writs were issued for three Maoris.
James Mackie, the native commissioner gave a dinner to the Tamahere Maoris, who were friendly; Te Hakarure was in the chair and Te Rahi, vice chairman. The Governor, Sir James Fergusson, Has a guest.
A fortnight later Leslie of "Wartle", chaired a public dinner at Cambridge, during which James Mackie was presented with a service of plate, in recognition of his services during the preceding twelve months. All were thankful that war had been averted.
We also have a report on the Graham diary, that Tawhio in July 1879, visited Tamahere, being entertained by the Grahams.
The Waikato Times records the death on the 12th April 1890 of Te Rangituia Rahi To Roti, known among the Europeans as Rice. Rice was the gentleman who had caused trouble along the Tamahere straight; he had died at Maungakawa. Rice was respected by both Maori and Pakeha's, remained loyal during the Maori Wars, and was known as a straightforward and reliable native by the Store Keepers of Cambridge and Hamilton. By later years, he took rather more waipiro than was good for him, and consequently lost most of his tribal influence.
A local Maori said the unsold shares in Pukemoromoro would have to be sold to pay for the Tangi.

Hautapu, as the district was first known, was the valley of the Sacred Wind. A high chief had been buried at Pukemoromoro, and for some reason his head had been buried on Bald Hill, adjacent to the river. Some years later, the Maoris decided to bury the head by the body, and while the head was being carried to Pukemoromoro, a strong west wind was blowing; the leading chief declared the wind tapu, which is how the land between the river and Maungakawa became known as Hautapu.
The burial ground on the left hand side of Crawfords gully, now derilict, was used for several burials in the 1920's and 1930's but has been disused since and is in a state of neglect, a triangle has been fenced off, which is a Maori reserve.
A story to the late Mr Frank Day, by a very old Maori, was that in the early days before the white man, a Maori could enter his canoe at Maungakawa and paddle by devious means directly to Pirongia. This could have been before the break through of the river at Taupiri.
Another story told to Ambrose Main, concerned Pukeroro (Brain Hill) adjacent to Alfred Main's house. A number of natives were surrounded on the fortified hill, by hostile Maoris, and reaching the starvation stage, one Maori crawled down the hill, with the wind in the correct direction, set fire to the fern, causing a smoke screen, in which the beseiged crept away to safety.

Tamahere 1868-1940, By Alfred Main