THE saga of Eureka's pioneers spans nearly eight decades. Even in the late thirties the Waverley Islands still provided a backdrop of marsh and manuka to the Eureka scene. Developement of this area started in earnest after World War II.
Many of the early settlers stayed but a few years and then sold their land. As they came and went each contributed through their hard work and adventurous spirit to the breaking in of the farmland and the building of the community.
He had many ties with Eureka - firstly as manager of the Woodlands Estate. He also married Captain Steele's daughter, Elizabeth, on April 19 1879. At the age of 25 he ran an estae of 38,475 hectares which was by no means a light undertaking for so young a man.
Born in 1850 in Cornwall, he emigrated to New Zealand with his father in 1868. Reynolds became one of the most well-known colonists in the Waikato and was generally regarded as one who had really advanced the farming interest.
He was trailblazer in the dairying industry and established the first creamery at Tamahere. Around the turn of the century he bought 1259 hectares at Eureka and 679 hectares in what was then part of the Newstead Estate; it is now considered part of Eureka.
Born in Aberdeen, Scotland in 1846, he was brought up to love the country ilfe. In 1878 he arrived in Lyttelton on the ship Piako. After managing two estates in the South Island he headed north to become the second manager of the Woodlands Estate. Later he became a settler of Eureka and became prominent in the affairs of the thriving little community. He was a prime mover in seeing that a school was established at Eureka and also sat on the Eureka Drainage Board which held its first meeting in his house. In 1894 he was elected chairman of the Kirikiriroa Road Board and for many years he was actively connected with the Agricultural and Pastoral Association.
He married in 1882 and had two sons. His wife died ten years later and he remarried in 1898. He finally cut his ties with the district when in 1908 he sold the Eureka homestead block to Mr F F Pemberton.
Mr Roche purchased a 333 hectare block from The N.Z. Land Association toward the end of the nineteenth century. On his homestead block he built a house in 1899. That house still stands on the land now owned by Mr Kerry Clarkin. Dorothy and John Roche were first day pupils at Eureka School.
In 1908 the property was sold to a Mr George Howie. Mr Howie later moved to Morrinsville and became the town's second Mayor - from 1923 to 1925.
Mr Seddon was born at Howick in 1869 and was brought up by his father in the Waikato. He bought 1074 hectares at the turn of the century from the Land Association. It was an almost triangular shaped piece of land from the west of the Waverley Island block to Puketaha Road. Today Seddon Road runs through the middle of this block.
Mr Coates' 605 hectare triangular property, bounded by Telephone Road and the railway line, was purchased from the Land Association in the early 1900's.
Mr Coates was born in Yorkshire in 1840 and was brought up to farming. In 1867 he arrived in Lyttelton on the ship Lancashire Witch and in the following year shifted to Auckland and from there to the Waikato. During his time in the Waikato he took on large drainage contracts for the Land Association. He also took up flaxmilling and ran mills in Hamilton, Morrinsville, Tauwhare and Maketu on the East Coast. He was prominent in local politics and became one of the first councillors of the Hamilton Borough. He was also Mayor for some years, ending his term in 1882. He sat on the Waikato County Council and for three years was chairman of the Kirikiriroa Roads Board.
Mr Coates married in 1875 and had four sons and four daughters.
Mr Barugh was the first owner of the parcel of land now called Waverly Islands. He owned approximately 1006 hectares and bought the property from the Land Association some time prior to 1902.
The Murphy family settled in Eureka in early September 1901. Mr. Murphy and his wife came from Ireland, emigrating separately to New Zealand. They worked together at ``Malloys'', a hotel on the Auckland waterfront for a time.
They married and then moved to Wairongomai, near Te Aroha, where they ran a hotel. They then shifted to Eureka with their three children, Mary, Rita and Timothy. The Original Murphy homestead was built of kahikatea and did not last for very long. It was encirlced by a verandah and had five bedrooms, a big dining room, kitchen, pantry and bathroom. About thirty-five years ago it was replaced by a brick building. The frames for the new homestead had to stand for twelve months waiting fo the bricks to arrive- there was a shortage of bricks just after World War II. (At present this is the residence of the Savage family, share-milkers for Miss Patty Stokes).
Martin Murphy's daughter Rita was the first pupil enrolled at Eureka School. She married Bob Stokes and they lived in the timber house untill it was replaced by the brick home. Their children were Robert and Patty.
Robert (Jr) still resides in Eureka with his wife Marien and family. They build what is now Bradding's home and lived there untill selling in 1980 when they purchased what had been the Johns's farm. Marien and Robert built a new home on this land and that is where they now live.
Robert's sister Patty still owns the homestead property on Hunter Road.
The Mulcahy family arrived in Eureka in September 1901, just two weeks after the Muphy family moved there. Mr Mulcahy bought two farms: one of 54 hectares between what are now Hunter nad Tauwhare Roads; the second of 72 hectares fronted the main road and the west side of Friedlander Road. The Mulcahy children were Edith, Jimmy, Dennis and Owen. The eldest three were first day pupils at Eureka School.
Thomas Morrow was originally a farmer from Rahotu, Taranaki. He bought approximately 80 hectares in Eureka. His property fronted what is today State Highway 26 and extended from Hooper Road almost to Hunter Road. In 1905 he sold his farm to a Mr James Hethrington.
In the autumn of 1902 Mr McClennan moved to Eureka. At the time he purchased the farm Mr McClennan was a miner at the Huntly mines. He bought 76 hectares. James and his wife Sarah raised a large family.
When he took up farming he had never been on a farm in his life. The land had to be broken in and a house built. The children often had to help with milking sixty to seventy cows by hand. The milk was taken by dray to Tauwhare and then when they returned the children had to hike six kilometres to school.
James McClennan had turned to farming as he had been prevented from forming a union at the mines. He worked the farm for two years and then paid the mine a visit when he heard it was being run at a loss. The mine owners invited him to work for them but forbade him to form a union. He refused to work under these conditions and in the end a union was formed.
From then on every weekend he would trudge from Huntly to Eureka to see his family. The settlers reckoned he could walk six kilometres in an hour.
James McClennan's family were: Frances, Anne, Liz, Mary, Lena, James (Jimmy), William (Bill), Alex, Ethel, Lorna, Thelma, Norman and Noel. Lena, Jimmy, Bill and Alex were first day pupils at Eureka School. James (Snr) split his farm into three when his sons Jimmy, Bill and Alex returned from World War One.
Jimmy and his wife, Nell, had three children: Malcolm, James and Mona who stayed on in Eureka for some years with their mother after Jimmy died about 1930. Milkers were employed until the farm was sold in 1970 to Tom McClennan (nephew of Jimmy's.)
Bill McClennan and his wife Dulcie had four children: Tom, Isobel, Miriam and the late Walter. Tom farmed his father's property after his return from World War Two. He and his wife Muriel had three children who were raised and educated in Eureka: Anne, Margaret and Graham. Tom and Muriel played an active part in district and school affairs and Tom also served for many years on the Eureka Drainage Board. In 1980 Tom sold to Rodney and Colleen Nicholson who have since subdivided and two new homes have been built.
Alex McClennan married Frances (Falconer) and they had three sons: Jack, Bruce and Wallace. Bruce married Barbara (nee Webster) and they continued to farm their property until they moved to Tauwhare in 1964 when their farm was sold to Noel Fletcher.
On the right of State Highway 26 just near where Schollum Road meets the State Highway there is the entrance to a long driveway where, until recently, there stood a white picket gate known as Garroway's Gate. Mr Garroway was a South African tea merchant who bought his land from the Land Association.
Daniel Tribe settled in the district around 1903 and managed the farm of Mr Robert Garroway.
Mr Tribe was a sailor, probably born in Kent. He became an apprentice when he was nine and jumped ship at Lyttelton when he was twenty. He farmed in Akaroa for a while and met Clara Edmonds there. When her family moved to the Waikato, Dan Tribe followed her. They were married in St Andrews Chapel Cambridge-the thirty-second couple to be married there.
From Cambridge he moved to Eureka and produced quite a tribe-eleven children, five of whom were first day pupils at Eureka School. Four more followed in later years. Four of his sons served in the First World War. The Tribes moved away from Eureka many years ago but a small piece of their association with the district has been preserved. The bricks from the chimney of their home now line the driveway of Graeme Tribe's home in Morrinsville. He is one of Dan Tribe's many grandchildren.

Mr Leask bought his farm from Robert Garroway in 1915 and farmed it for 25 years. In 1926 Mark Harbottle purchased the northern part which included the old homestead. Mr and Mrs Leask had seven children and all attended Eureka school. Over the years they all made their mark on the Eureka community in some way. The children were: Helen, Bill, Jean, Sam, Sophie, Margaret and Harry. Over the years they valiantly withstood several tragedies on the farm.
Son Bill is well remembered for his Reo truck, taking many local children to the train for school (a hair-raising ride for some and certainly an experience never to be forgotten!).
Daughter Jean married Doug Hinton, brother of Lee. They returned to the district in 1944 to sharemilk for Mr Bill Clarkin and their children, Genevieve and Doug, also attended Eureka school.
Mr Jackways was the first manager of the Eureka Butter Factory when it opened in 1903. He married Thirza May Hart in February 1901 and managed the Tauwhare cheese factory before shifting to Eureka. Although the Jackways did not own land at Eureka they figure in its early history as Thirza Jackways ran the first Post Office in the Jackways's home. Her daughter, Mrs A. MacLaren, said the first telephone in the district was installed in their home so that telegrams could be received and sent. The mail was collected from Eureka Station by the manager or his wife and then sorted in their home for collection by the settlers.
When the Jackways left Eureka they bought a farm at Whatawhata.
Mr McHardy owned approximately 388 hectares between what is now Schollum Road and the railway line in 1906. This land was sold to Mr Arthur Jonas Friedlander in 1916 who subdivided and sold the land in smaller lots in the twenties.

The Clarkins-John (Jack), Tom, Patrick and William (Bill) -bought farms in Eureka from 1902 onwards. Of Irish stock, their father Thomas emigrated from Dublin and settled
in Panmure. He married Elizabeth and they had five sons and five daughters. He bought a 20 hectare section in Hamilton and the area around Clarkin Road used to be his farm.
Two of the brothers, Jack and Pat, moved on to Paeroa where they took on carting work. With 135 draught horses they carted materials to the Waihi goldmines. By 1905 the railway had reached Waihi and the brothers sold their business. Prior to settling in Eureka Pat Clarkin worked in the King Country.
He camped there and carted all the materials for the Makatote Viaduct using 35 draught horses. He actually carted the first load from the northern railhead to the southern railhead, thereby joining up the Main Trunk Line.
When the first Clarkins moved to Eureka, Jack and Tom bought land by the Hamilton-Morrinsville highway. That section of the road was called "The Avenue" in earlier days. It forms part of the highway that leads into Eureka from Hamilton today.
Jack and Nell Clarkin built the beautiful Kauri homestead (later Harris's).
They had seven children; Jack, Elizabeth (Chic), Vera, Tom, Willie, Fred and Trevor and took an active part in establishing the community. Jack was one who signed letters in 1903, asking for a school to be built in Eureka.
Tom and Grace Clarkin built a home on the adjoining property and produced seven children who were educated in Eureka after the school was opened in 1904. Tom had been another of those who pushed for a school to be built. Their family were: Cyril, Thelma,. Gavin, Leslie, Irene, Monica and Jessie. Tom and Grace also played an active role in the district until the farm was subdivided in 1932 and sold to the Manson's and Charles Nott.
Brothers Patrick and Bill Clarkin bought land from Mr Howie. Pat bought the original Roche homestead block in 1908. Mr Roche had created a very English atmosphere on the property according to Pat Clarkin's son Harry. There were numerous pines, wattle, Japanese maples and camellias growing in the garden. The house was surrounded by a macrocarpa hedge and was totally covered in Virginia creeper. Consequently the house was rather damp and visibility was poor. From outside the homestead, the countryside stretched clear to the railway line. All the prominent outcrops of land were covered in gum or pine trees, probably planted by the Land Association.

Pat Clarkin and Ruby Hinton (Mrs Insoll).
Pat and Mary Clarkin had two children, Eva and Harry, and were both actively involved in the community. Pat was a fine horseman and judged at many shows around the countryside. Eva and Harry both rode too, Harry winning at shows far and wide.
In 1945 Harry married Muriel (nee Hunter) and they still live in the original homestead with their only son, Kerry. Mr and Mrs Pat Clarkin and Eva moved to Hamilton to live in 1945. Harry is a J.P. He, Muriel and Kerry are very community-minded.
Bill Clarkin bought land from Mr Howie between the main Morrinsville Road and Friedlander Road, adjoining his brother Pat's farm. He moved there with his wife Rebecca in 1916. The house they lived in came from Waihi (it is still standing but is not visible from the highway). Their family-Terry, Roy, Colleen, Neil and Joan-attended Tauwhare School. Mrs Clarkin was a registered nurse and her services were often called upon by the locals. Mr Clarkin farmed with his sons. Terry built a brick home on the property when he married Alma in 1951. They had five children: Kevin, Graeme, Michael, Brendon and Kathryn.
In 1977 Terry sold to J. Morrison.
When Roy returned from the Second World War he farmed with Terry until 1955 when he bought a farm on Schollum Road from Mrs Daisy Brennan (Joshua Mather's widow). Roy married Muriel (nee Jury) in 1956 and they have one son, Bernie. In 1966 they built the new home where they are still in residence.
Bernie married in 1984 and he and his wife, Jennifer live in the original homestead and farm the property.
Billy Field moved to Eureka around 1914 from the King Country where he had been a guard on the Railway. He built a house on Friedlander Road prior to his marriage to Annie Clarkin in 1918. Annie was one of Thomas Clarkin's five daughters. They had two children, Ray and Muriel, who lived on in the homestead and ran the farm after their parents' deaths until 1961. Muriel is very musical and she played her piano accordian at all the local dances. She was also a keen badminton player and Ray played indoor bowls. They moved to Clarkin Road, Hamilton when the farm was sold to Les and Nancy Smith.
Another of our pioneers was James Marston who arrived in Eureka in 1910.
From Christchurch, he bought a block of land from F.F. Pemberton on Eureka Road. For six months James lived in a tent until the first two rooms of his house were built. Gradually their home took shape, the bow window being very posh in those days. His wife, Mrs Mary Elizabeth Marston, joined him and their two children, May and Keith, both started school in Eureka before the family sold to Ross and Arthur Hinton in 1919. They went to England for seven years before returning to settle in Newstead. May married Harold Baker and still lives at Newstead.

Thomas Hinton arrived in New Zealand at the age of six. His father, Henry Hinton, came from New South Wales and joined the 4th Waikato , Regiment which served in the Waikato Wars. '
As soon as he was old enough Hinton set out to make a living for himself.
For a number of years he occupied the position of stockman and shepherd on various Waikato estates. In 1893 he took charge of the Maungateparu Estate, a few miles from Morrinsville. He managed it for the New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency for fifteen years. When the estate was sub-divided and sold in 1907 he bought a farm at Eureka.
Tom and Nelly Hinton had twelve children and Tom became a prominent figure in local politics. He served for several years on the Waitoa Road Board, Eureka Drainage Board and on the directorship of the Eureka Cooperative Dairy Company. He was primarily responsible for the founding of the Central Waikato Electric Power Board and was its chairman for twenty four years. Mr Hinton was also a member of the Waikato Hospital Board and a member of the Waikato County Council and served as chairman of the Council from 1929 to 1932.
In his day he was a well-known rugby footballer in the Waikato and captained the first Waikato representative team against Auckland. He was father of the Piako Rugby Union and captained the Piako represenatatives for many years. His sons were very well-known in the sporting fields of rugby, hockey and riding.
Tom and Nelly's 12 children were Mabel (Mrs Simpson), Frank, Olive (Mrs Luxton), Nelly (Mrs Berry), George, Claude, Ruby (Mrs Insoll), Dick, Ross, Arthur, Carl and Seph. The seven youngest children all attended Eureka School.
Eldest son Frank was killed on active service in World War I. Claude, Ross and George also served in World War One, Ross being wounded.
Claude became a school teacher and he taught at Eureka School for a short time.
Olive was a postmistress at Eureka for two years.
George, a Gallipoli veteran, married Ethel (nee Guiness) after the war and they built a home and farmed the part of the Hinton property on the main road and Hinton Road. George was a J.P. They both took a very active part in the school and district. Their two children, June (Mrs Bettley) and Frank, attended the local school. Frank married Shirley (nee Lovelock) and they took over the farm living in the homestead and building a smaller home nearby for Frank's parents. Frank and Shirley were always very active on all local committees and in indoor bowls. Their family, Trevor, Wendy (Mrs McHardie) and Ashley, all went to Eureka School. When their boys married and took over the farm Frank and Shirley built a new home on the property and lived there until retiring to Mount Maunganui in 1984. Trevor and Diane (Tracey) and family have also left the district but Ashley, his wife, Glynis and family still live in the homestead and work the farm. Their children are third generation Hintorts to attend Eureka School.
Dick and Carl farmed and lived on the homestead property. They also both took a keen interest in all district activities and were very keen on horse riding and polo, did show judging all over the country and served on the Waikato A. & P. Show committee, Dick being chairman (1936-37). He married Tui Cucksey and moved away from the district.
Carl married Dot (nee Weston) who was also a fine horse rider. They still live in the Hinton homestead and farm the property with help from their daughter Caroline and her husband Gary Tims who own the adjoining farm.
Caroline and her children, Diane, Peter and Sheryl, have continued the family tradition of being accomplished riders and this family was also a third generation to attend Eureka School.

The Hinton brothers at the Frankton stock sale. L to R: Carl, Dick, George and Ross.
Ross and Arthur Hinton purchased land from James Marston after the War and farmed the property on Station Road together until Ross married Florence (nee Hill) in 1925. Ross and Florence both took a keen interest in the district and raised a family of three-Tom, Bruce and Helen-farming the property until the mid 40s when, because of health problems, they moved to Hamilton. Son Tom returned to take over the farm in 1951 with his wife Claire (nee Seymour). They lived in the old homestead and produced their family there: Geoffrey, John, Leigh and the late Anne. Tom and Claire took a very active part in all local activities.
They built a new home in 1962 but have since moved to Hamilton. They retain their association with the district with a share in Eureka Blueberries Ltd.
Their son Leigh has an interest in this venture and lives in theold homestead now. Geoff, his wife Diane and family live m the newer home and farm the property. Their children are the fourth generation of Hintons to attend the local school and the fifth generation Hintons to live in Eureka.
Arthur Hinton bought land on the easternside of Station Road in 1925. He married Margare (nee Bowers) and they had two daughters, Barbara and Margaret. After they lost their home in a fire, Arthur rebuilt (now anVugt's). In 1939 Arthur sold that farm and later bought land from Mel Masters, still on Eureka Road, and built the house now owned by John and Jenny Middlemiss. Arthur and Margaret were keen indoor bowlers and lived there until Arthur's death in 1970.
Ruby Hinton married Seaton Insoll and they briefly farmed the property and lived in the homestead now owned by the Mayalls. A grandson, Brian Insoll, now farms on Hunter Road.
Leslie Frank (Lee) Hinton's father was Jobe Hinton, brother of Mr Thomas (Poppa) Hinton. Jobe lived in Matangi and Lee came to farm on Schollum Road on 1st August 1919 on his return from World War One. He married Kath Porter, the local postmistress and they had a family of two: Laurence and Alva, who both went to Eureka School. Kath died in 1935 and Lee remarried, continuing to farm until moving to town in 1952.
Laurence took over the farm and he and his wife Pam live on the family farm where their son Paul is at present sharemilking. The original homestead was burnt down some years ago and a new house built on the opposite side of Schollum Road.
Mr Jimmy O'Hara came to Schollum Road in 1911. His home was little more than a shack. It had a tin roof with sacking around the sides which had to last until a house was brought by rail from Waihi. Mr and Mrs O'Hara had six daughters: Alicia, Kathleen, Eileen, Bessie, Frances and May.
Jimmy drove a buggy and his horse's name was "Rainy Day". Jimmy O'Hara was very involved in district and school activities.
In 1915 Thomas (Harry) and Adelaide (Addie) Rowe bought land on Hooper Road. Their children were: Charlie, Alfred, Roy, Ivan, Fred, Leslie, Wynn, Vivian and Dorrie. Mr Rowe died in 1918 in the great influenza epidemic but Mrs Rowe lived to a ripe old age with her son Leslie looking after her here in Eureka and later in Hamilton. Viv and his wife Iris and daughters worked the farm and lived in the other house on the property.
Mr and Mrs Charles McGough settled in Eureka Avenue in 1915. They had a family of three boys and two girls: Eric, Myrtle, Alice, Cecil and Jim who all attended Eureka school. Jim lived on in the old house with Alice after their parents died and continued to farm with Eric who lived with his wife Mavis in the second newer house (children Colin and Anne). In 1962 they sold to Wellesley Dance.
Ted Hunter bought land on what was then the main highway (now Hunter Road) in 1915. His block extended to Hooper Road and is now occupied in the north by Graeme and Eileen Noble and on Hooper Road by Graeme and Diane Barker.
While Ted was away at World War One his brothers, Tom and Bill, farmed his property. Ted returned in 1918 on the hospital ship via South Africa and was admitted to the Waikato Hospital for treatment for gas poisoning. He married his fiancee, Guen, in 1919 in Raurimu and they had three children: Muriel (Mrs Harry Clarkin), Lionel and Nola (Mrs Stan Peters). Ted was a wonderful pianist and played at all the local dances as well as at dances for miles around. He died in 1954. Lionel and his wife Moira farmed the Hunter land on Hooper Road.
They had one son, Paul. Lionel sold the last of the Hunter land in 1979.
Stan Peters' family came to Eureka to sharemilk for Larsens in the early 40s and it was during this time that Stan first met Nola Hunter (daughter of Ted Hunter). However it was not until 1951 that Nola and Stan were married.
They moved away from the district returning in 1954, after Ted Hunter died, to run the family farm on Hunter Road. They had three children: Patricia, Suzanne and Ralph who all attended Eureka School. Stan took a very active part in local activities serving on many committees until 1976 when they moved to Hamilton having sold to Graeme and Eileen Noble.
Mr Wenzl Schollum arrived in Eureka in 1915 when he bought a 345 hectare farm from Mr. John Knight, the original owner. Mr Schollum came from Puhoi and was a land agent, developer and hotel owner. His sons, Noel and Pat, both bought part of the original property-Noel farmed the area now owned by Charlie Elliot and Pat the area on the county boundary owned now by Brendan Durcan. Noel and Tui Schollum lived in the old Schollum homestead still standing on the Hill. (This house was earlier occupied by the Grigsby family). There were three children: Peter, Barry and Noeline.
Pat and his wife, Joan, were very much district orientated. They had eleven children: Brian, Michael, David, Mary, Stephen, Paul, Brendan, Joanna, John, Hughie and Theresa, most of whom attended Eureka School.
After World War I, in 1919, John Wesley (Jack) Muir followed his brother Joe Muir to Eureka from the King Country. Joe had been farming in the area since 1914. He married Violet Hunter and they had four children: Mary, Gilbert, Lewis and Ida.
Jack purchased what was practically virgin peat on what was then the end of the Schollum Road formation. At first he lived in a shanty built with timber from the local mill, then in 1924 he built the house. Jack and his wife Muriel.had four children: Tom, Valerie, Wesley and Gladys, all educated in Eureka. In 1946 Jack built a house in Hamilton and retired there leaving sharemilkers on the farm. His son Wesley bought the property in 1957 and farmed it until 1967 when he and his wife Shirley and their three boys moved north.
The Townsends moved to Eureka in 1917. The farm was then very swampy and full of rushes. Mr Townsend spent much time developing the farm from its unkempt state. The drains ran full in winter and their children-Lily, Ivy, Grace, Bob and Una-well recall playing among the rushes and the boggy territory. Bob (Snr) was especially involved in horse training, hunting, and polo and was in the Matangi Polo Club team when they won the Savile Cup. He still rode at a great age even though nearly blind and hunted on "All British" who took him safely around the hunting fields. Mrs Townsend was active in local school and women's groups. Her daughter Lily was Postmistress for two years before Mr Shine .
Ivy Townsend (Mrs Wally Gee) schooled many horses at the hunts for her father, most going on to win major hurdle and steeplechase races. Ivy would probably have been one of the first amateur lady riders.
Their son Bob Townsend-also a great polo player-farmed on the property until 1984. Bob (Jr) and his wife Phyllis also took a very active interest in the school, hall and indoor bowls, Bob being made a life member of the Eureka Bowling Club in 1983. They had four children: Janice, Philip, Barry and Rowena who all grew up and went to school in Eureka. Barry still lives in a cottage on the property. The Bartrum now own the land.
Mrs Maria Dalziel of Gordonton bought a farm on Eureka Road in 1917. A Mr McKenzie worked the farm until the end of the War when sons George and Tom and Tom's wife May shifted to Eureka. Tom's parents lived there also. From the early 1920s they worked the land for 28 years. Tom and May had one daughter, Doras, who went to school in Eureka. The Dalziels broke in the farm-hard work but life in the district was fun.
Originally from Northern Ireland, Mr Duncan first lived near the Wanganui River. From there he moved to Cambridge and came to Eureka in 1918. He married around 1919 and his wife Edith gave birth to four children at Eureka-Maurice, Ruth, Robert and Shirley. They were all educated at the local school and Maurice continues to live and farm at Eureka with his family.
Robert Duncan originally bought land with his brother William. Robert bought his brother's share in the farm in 1924. The land was divided between Maurice and his brother Robert (Peter) in the forties, later to be completely taken over by Maurice. In 1947 Maurice married Lila Magon and they raised six children: Heather, John, Lyn, Colin, Raewyn and Graham, all of whom attended Eureka school. Maurice and
Lila have always been actively involved in the school and community.

Eldest son John and his wife Elizabeth now own and farm what was Peter's block. Second son, Colin, is now the owner of Eureka Motors.
Children from both families now attend Eureka school being the third generation Duncans to be educated at Eureka.
Peter and Margaret Duncan moved to New South Wales in 1974. They had four children: Susan, Robert, Dale and Craig.
The Inglis family arrived in 1919. (They farmed in Eureka until1969).
Tom and Katie's children were Grace, Toby (J.R.), Percy (Snow), Ken, Vic, Eric, Greta and Hillary. Most of the family attended Eureka School.
The Inglis family are well remembered by many locals as they played a very active role in district affairs. They lived on the hill in the home at present owned by the Fagans. Tom Inglis (Snr) handed over the farm to sons Snowy, Ken, and Toby and helped them all build homes on their respective blocks.
Toby and his wife Elsie lived on Hooper Road until they sold to Kimbers in 1937 and bought land on the main road from Mel Masters. Their children were Joan, Evelyn, Graeme and Diane. Toby built the brick house on the farm in 1939. They sold to Wes Richards in the 1950s who sold to Frank Hinton in 1961. Frank's son Trevor sold tothe present owners David and Nan lngleby.
Snowy and Tina farmed the homestead block. They had nine children who all attended Eureka School: Colleen, Vina, Tom, Ailsa, Glennis, Charlie, Rex, Maxine and Danny. Their eldest son Tom, and his wife Marion (nee Pope) built and lived in the other house on the hill (now owned by Chas Middlemiss) and continued to work the family farm until it was sold to Davidson in 1966. It was he who subdivided it into 10 acre blocks.
Ken Inglis built the cottage (which is now owned by Phillips) and lived there with his wife Noreen and family: Jack, Noeline and twins Robyn and Raewyn. Later Ken built a new home on the property (now Atchleys') and moved there to live. Mr and Mrs Tom Inglis (Snr) and daughter Grace then lived in the cottage and developed the beautiful garden now maintained by the Phillipses. Ken and Noreen farmed there until the land was sold to Mr Bob Mair in 1951 who built the cottage next to the hall and sold to Mr Atchley in 1954.
Grace Inglis was a postmistress in the early days and was always very active in the district, particularly in Ladies Guild and Social Club.
When Greta Inglis married Joe Powdrill her father bought land on the main road from Mel Masters in 1929 and built a home for them on the farm. Joe and Greta both took a very active part in the community. Their children-June, Betty, Owen, Laurie, Max and Rodney-grew up in Eureka and all attended school here. Joe was a Rep hockey player and June followed in her father's footsteps.
In 1959 the property was sold to John and Barbara Blyth who in the 60's sold to Gary and Caroline (nee Hinton) Tims. The land was subdivided in later years, Gary and Caroline building a new home in 1981. The homestead block is presently owned by Les and Marion White.

Back row, l to r, Percival, Eric, Vic, Ken and James.
The Johns lived in Eureka for 55 years. Albert and Kate Johns arrived in 1918 buying a farm on Hunter Road from Richard Casey. All their children -Ernie, Alton, Norma and Gordon-went to school in Eureka. After Albert died his children farmed the land for their mother. Alton left Eureka in the 1950s and Wattle Farm was run by Ernie and Annette Johns from 1956. They lived in the homestead until it was burnt down in 1970.
The Johns were active in community life, participating in the frequent hunts, the polo club and racing club. Ernie was also a member of the school committee. Their children were Dennis, Helen, Jennifer, Ruth, Susan and Anna.
Ernie and Annette stayed on in the district for some months after the fire before moving to Hamilton and sharemilkers continued farming until the land was sold to Geoff Browne in 1973.
Frederick and William Jones moved to Eureka in 1919 when they bought adjoining farms from Richard Casey. This was part of land previously owned by Mr Roche.
Frederick and Ada's children, Bill, Monica and Cyril, still farm the land he bought.
William and Blanche's children were Elsie, Blanche, Bill, Muriel, Margaret, Kathleen and Vincent. Vincent farms the land today. Both families attended Eureka School.
For years Frederick also owned land behind Eureka Avenue-now Van Woerden's. He rode his horse down to this runoff every day to water his stock.
The Waitakaruru Stream runs through the William Jones property and there used to be a lot of flax growing in the area when the brothers moved in. The family believe there was a flaxmill on William's farm in earlier times as traces of a mill were discovered by their parents. This may have been the site of a flaxmill owned by Isaac Coates around 1893. He owned a flaxmill at Tauwhare at that time before running a major concern at Morrinsville which he purchased from Johnand Sam Fry.
In 1919 Jack Hooper bought land on Hooper Road next to Les Rowe and with his wife Jane and family-Ruby, John, Minnie and Wes-moved from Taranaki. Mr Hooper began a carrying business (J. R. Hooper Carriers) in the late 1920's which was to become J. R. Hooper and Sons a few years later.
Mrs Hooper became ill and was nursed by Mrs Cyril and Mrs Bill Clarkin until she died about 1930.
John Hooper was a very keen huntsman. He left Eureka in 1939.
Wes married a widow, Daisy, whose son Bruce Leat was raised in Eureka and he drove for the Company for several years. In more recent years Bruce will be remembered as the local milk vendor from Morrinsville.
Mr Jack Hooper served on the Waikato County Council and Central Waikato Electric Power Board for a number of years. He died in 1965. The old homestead and cottage on the property were pulled down in the late 1960s and Gordon Edwards and Maurice Duncan built a new house-the presently Heuvel family home.
Minnie Hooper married Bill Edwards in 1929 and they had three children: Pearl, Gordon and Wesley who all attended Eureka School as had their mother before them.
In 1949 the carrying business began operating as Eureka Transport and the depot was situated on the main road at the end of the Avenue where three houses were sited and occupied by partners Bill Edwards, Wes Hooper and Alf Drake (Wesley Edwards joined the firm later). Eureka Transport continued to operate until1980. Bill and Minnie retired to Hamilton in 1975.

Pearl Edwards married Alf Drake and they had two children: Gavin and Helen. In 1975 they moved to Hamilton to live.
Gordon and Maureen Edwards had three children: Robert, Annette and Karen.
Gordon worked for the transport company until 1967. He bought a section from Lester Masters and built the house presently occupied by Chris and Denise Irvine in 1955. All the Edwards grandchildren went to school at Eureka.
Sofus Bartelin (Barney) Larsen bought the Mulcahy block from Charles Goosman in 1920. He and his wife, Annie, had three sons: Harold, Stuart (Barney) and Roy. Barney Snr was very fond of fishing and Mrs Larsen was keen and active in local affairs. The land was subdivided and not long after the war Barney Jnr settled on his 75 acres and built a house for his wife Joyce and two young daughters Loryn and Gail. They had lived in Ohakea during the war years where Barney's job as an aircraft engineer had cost him his hearing. Barney and Joyce played a very active role in the community particularly school and badminton. Within a few years Joyce's parents, Arthur and Grace Cook, retired to Eureka from Wellington and Barney built them a house near his own. In 1981 when Barney died Joyce and her parents sold and moved to Morrinsville.
The rest of the Barney Larsen Snr's land is still owned by members of the family but farmed by sharemilkers.
The Thompson family came to Eureka from Te Teko, Bay of Plenty, after World War One in 1921. They brought their homestead from Waihi, one of the old mining houses.
The sons were Ernest, Norman and Harold and they each farmed part of the original land bought from Hugo Friedlander on Eureka Avenue.
Ernest employed sharemilkers before selling to H. E. Vercoe in 1955 who sold to Bob Appleton in 1968.
Harold sold to the Landons in 1954.
Norman Thompson and his wife Mavis adopted four children who all attended Matangi School. However, Mrs Mavis Thompson taught Sunday School in Eureka for more than 30 years.
Norman served on the Eureka Drainage Board for many years. He ceased to be chairman of the board in 1959 when he ended a long association which his father started. In recognition of his services to drainage over many years as chairman of the Eureka board and an executive member of the Land Drainage Association, Norman was made a Life Member of the Association in 1960.
He sold to the Teague family in 1971.
Charlie and Daisy Harington farmed on Schollum Road from 1924, living in the house brought from Waihi by James
O'Hara. (This house is no longer standing.) Their children were Richard, Margaret, Phillipa and David. Mrs Harington was the first lady chairman of the Eureka School
Committee from 1934 to 1940. The Haringtons farmed there until approximately 1941. For many of those years Charlie was a buyer for the Pig Marketing Association. They then moved to Hamilton and sharemilkers were employed until the return of Richard and his wife Pam in the early 1950s.
The farm was sold to A. G. Lye in 1957.
George Nixon was a ganger at the Matangi Railway Station when he bought 100 acres (40 hectares) from N. McGarry. George and Florence moved to Eureka in 1925. Their children were Edna, Stanley, Thelma, Malcolm, Len, Arthur and Iris. (Edna later married Cyril Masters-Ralph's father). They lived on the corner of the Cambridge-Morrinsville Road. The main highway had not then been put through.
Stan Nixon and his wife Mavis sharemilked for his father for one pound a week until buying the farm in 1945. Their children were Roger, Brenda ahd Philip. Stan and Mavis built the brick home (now Brewer's) during 1947-48 and lived there until 1960 when they moved to town. Sharemilkers farmed until in 1972 Stan sold to Pat Hogan who subdivided the farm into 10 acre blocks and sold them in 1973.
Leslie and Flora Harris bought their farm from Jack Clarkin in 1930. They hailed from the Bay of Plenty. They milked cows and in later years bred a few race horses. With their seven children-Beatty, Bill, Nellie, Phyllis, Dulcie, Peter and Margaret-they played a large part in community affairs. Hunting, cards and social club were their main interests. Mr Harris died in 1947. One son, Peter, with his wife Ethel farmed the property until the death of Mrs Harris in 1973 when the farm was sold to Jack and Jeanette Broome.
In 1929 Ernest and Myrtle Jones bought a farm on Schollum Road from H. Bowers. They had two children born during their stay at Eureka, daughter Coral starting school there. Ernie bred pedigree Tamworth pigs and one day he and Charlie Harington had a visit from the then Governor General, Lord Bledisloe who came to see their pigs. Ernie rebuilt the farm homestead before selling to Mrs Anderton in 1945.
In 1931 Anton (Bill) and Maria (May) Manson bought property on Eureka Avenue. Their four bedroomed kauri homestead was built early in the century by Tom Clarkin. Tom sold to the Mansons for 28 pounds an acre. In 1937 Mr and Mrs Manson moved to Hamilton when their daughter Edna married Albert Smith. Albert and Edna worked the farm, eventually buying it in 1952. They produced four children while living there: Margaret, Ken, Owen and Valerie and were very involved in school and hall committees. Ken and his wife Sylvia continued to farm the land for five years until it was sold in 1972. Albert and Edna Smith moved to Cambridge when the farm was sold.
George and Lillian Saleman bought from Pat Clarkin in 1933 and sold to Bill Clarkin in 1944. They had one daughter, Hilda, who was a Sunday School teacher with Mrs Thompson.
In 1932 Mr Charles Nott of Newstead bought 29 hectares of land from Tom Clarkin. It was bare land divided into only three paddocks and until a cowshed was built the cows from their Newstead farm were wintered there. When Mr Nott and his son Charlie Jnr built the house and other farm buildings Hooper Road was extended to their property. For some years milkers were employed until Charlie Jnr married Thelma in 1952 and they came to live there.
Mr and Mrs H. Dennis Kimber moved to Eureka in 1935 to sharemilk for the Duncans on their Hooper Road property, now farmed by Barry Townsend. During the Kimbers' second year as sharemilkers they purchased the farm across the road from J. R. (Toby) Inglis. Here Dennis farmed until his wife, Evelyn, died in 1963. He then moved to Levin. The property is still farmed by son Robert and his wife Beverley. Three other Kimber children were also raised in Eureka: Iris, Graeme and Denise. Graeme and his wife Delwyn and family lived on a section subdivided from the farm until 1984.
Mr Pernod ran the first garage which served the Eureka district at the Platt Road corner. Locals recall the Newstead Garage as a real boon with its able mechanic fixing their vehicles at a reasonable price. Mervyn Woolven took over from him and built a house near the garage. Harold Laurence took over later and it is now owned by Mike McIntyre.
In 1936 James (Jim) and Blanche Bargh along with their young son Russell came to Eureka to sharemilk (with a right of purchase) for Mr Troughton. In 1939 Jim Bargh exercised the right of purchase on the Tauwhare Road farm. The old kauri homestead on the property was replaced with a brick home in 1955-56 and the old Waihi miner's cottage replaced in 1966. Jim died in 1961 and Blanche died suddenly in 1965 only a month before Russell and Robyn (nee Campbell) were married. Russell and Robyn are still living on the farm with their family.
In 1943 Sidney and May Wishart arrived in Eureka to live on the property once owned by the Leask family. They had no family and hailed from the Chatham Islands. They mixed well in the district, Sid being a strong National Party supporter and Mrs Wishart being remembered as a very keen and generous gardener. They lived in the old house on the main Morrinsville Road until building a new house -now the home of Ron and Win Morrison -to whom they sold in 1960.
Henry and Alice White bought land from Mark Harbottle in 1944 on the Morrinsville Road opposite Schollum Road. They had two daughters, Erith and Alison. Mr White was manager of Morrinsville Motors and employed milkers on the farm which was broken in from swamp on the flats. Erith and her husband Ian Bowman sharemilked before the farm was sold in 1972 to Murray McDonald.
In 1945 Garth and Jean Williamson bought what had much earlier been Arthur Hinton's property on Station (Eureka) Road. The Williamson children, Lynaire and Owen, went to Eureka School. Mrs Williamson was a fine dressmaker whose work was much in demand in the district. They sold in 1960. Present owners are Wim and Ria van Vugt.
Wally and his parents, Alexander Thomas Pollock and Allene Annie Pollock, came to Schollum Road in 1951-52 from Bruntwood to sharemilk for the Andertons who had bought the farm for forty pounds per acre.
Wally married Val in 1956 and they lived at Te Rapa until returning to the farm in 1960 when his parents retired to Hamilton. He sharemilked for a time then leased before purchasing in 1969-at ninety-eight pounds an acre.
Val taught at Eureka School 1959-61. They have a family of two: Wilson and Sally, who went through primary school at Eureka. Wally has always been very involved in Federated Farmers at all levels and he has looked after Japanese farm trainees for 18-20 years. Val has been actively involved in school and district affairs also, holding office in social club and hall committee and playing badminton for many years.
Their house was burnt down in August 1972 and they lost everything. After more than a year living next door in Roy and Muriel Clarkin's cottage, Val and Wally moved into their new home at Christmas 1973 where they are still living.
Bill Saunders bought 718 hectares of the Waverley Islands block in 1951.
He sold 183 hectares of the Piako Road end to K. S. Tapp in 1953. He farmed the rest of the land for 15 years and broke in almost all ofthe swamp from raw peat and standing tea-tree. The Eureka end of Seddon Road was constructed in 1960. Waverley Road did not exist until later.
To accommodate a second worker a Keith Hay home was built opposite their house. One worker was virtually a full-time fencer. An airstrip, alongside where the Gordon house now stands, was used for fertilizer spreading.
The Saunders, Bill, his wife Jean, and children Mary, Bill, Donald and John, lived in the house that is now the Ammann farm cottage until their new home was built in 1954.
In 1966 Laurie Maher bought the property from the Saunders. He moved the Keith Hay home to is present site on Waverley Road. It is now the Gordons' second house. During his ownership the last of the manuka was removed from the Waverley Islands block. Waverley Road was constructed and two cowsheds (now Ammanns' and Gordons') were built before the block was subdivided into smaller farms in the 1970's.
The house and 30 hectares was sold to Mark and Judy Ridgway who farmed there from 1973 to 1981. The Raes are the present owners.
Fred and Betty Flavell anddaughters, Barbara and Diane, came to Eureka in 1952. They bought their 83 acres on Eureka (Station) Road from H. Davidson after spending one season milking for Mr Jim Bargh. Fred was the Farm Labour Scheme Secretary for a number of years and was also involved in Federated Farmers, School Committee and other community activities. Betty took a particular interest in the school through the PTA. The family moved to Hillcrest to live in 1967 and sharemilkers farmed the property until it was sold in 1971.
In 1953 Fred and Beryl Mayall bought what had been Dalziel's farm. The Mayalls came from Puketaha with their four children: Bryan, Graham, Barry and Margaret. Margaret finished her primary schooling at Eureka. Graham and Barry helped their father on the farm and a company was formed, F. G. Mayall & Sons.
In 1957 100 adjoining acres on Schollum Road was purchased from W. Field and broken in from standing tea-tree.
Another house was built on the Schollum Road end of the farm in 1962 when Graham married Elizabeth.
Mr and Mrs Fred Mayall moved to Hamilton in 1967 when Barry and Gail were married. Fred served for 19 years on the Eureka Drainage Board and Barry now continues to serve on it.
These days the boys are trading in partnership as Mayall Bros. They play an active part in the community. Graham and Elizabeth have raised a family of four and Barry and Gail have three children. All have been educated locally.
In 1954 Ron Landon's father bought Harold Thompson's farm. However, they continued to live in Hamilton and employed sharemilkers for the next eight years.
It was in 1962 when Ron married Carol (nee Hughes) that the Landons took up residence in Eureka. Ron and Carol have raised a family of four, all of whom were educated at the local school. Ron served on the school committee and played indoor bowls. Carol and the children have been involved in the local Junior Badminton Club. They built a new home on the farm in 1974. The old house was burnt down in 1981 and a new milker's cottage has replaced it.
One of the most notable changes Ron has noticed in the last 30 years has been the decline in the number of dairy herds between Eureka and Hamilton.
Trevor and Mollie Atchley arrived in Eureka with their two daughters, Elizabeth and Caroline, in January 1954 after purchasing land from Bob Mair. Mr Ron Murphy was retained as sharemilker on the farm while Mr Atchley continued his employment in Hamilton with Dalgetys. Elizabeth, the elder daughter, had started her schooling in Hamilton East but completed her primary years at Eureka. Caroline, being younger, started school at Eureka. Both girls were involved in Sunday School when Mrs Thompson and Mr Wilde were teaching there.
As there were no local groups Elizabeth and Caroline attended Guides and Brownies in Hamilton and Newstead. Elizabeth and husband Bernard now reside in Hamilton. Caroline and husband John live in Te Awamutu.
Trevor is best known for his involvement in Scouts, being District Commissioner for a number of years.
In 1956 Mr and Mrs Percy Miers bought the Rowes' farm on Hooper Road.
They came to Eureka with their daughter Shirley and sonin-law Bruce Blackburn, who ran the farm. Shirley and her mother were very active in Ladies Guild and Ladies Social Club. Bruce and Shirley were both keen bowlers. Their son Gary Blackburn attended the local school.
The farm was sold in 1978 to the Dumbells. Present owners are David and Lyn Wright.
Noel and Thea Verstraten came to Eureka in 1961 with their children Anton, Rene, Arnold, Willie and Maria. They bought two-and-a-half hectares on the south side of Schollum Road from Mrs Brennan. They took over and built up the first poultry farm to be established in Eureka. The family lived in a small cottage until they built their new home in 1967. Anton and Rene both went to school locally. Noel, Thea, and family took an active interest in the district, especially in badminton, indoor bowls and Social Club. They sold to the Pearsons in 1982 and moved to Matangi.
Les and Nancy Smith bought the Field farm on Friedlander Road in 1961, moving there from Karaka with their family: Carol, Herbert, Peter, George, Dennis and Robin. The youngest three boys attended school locally. A musical family, Herbert, George and Dennis formed a band and played at Tauwhare and Morrinsville dances.
Herbert married Dee Dee van der Stap in 1967 and they milked on the home farm part of that year while Les and Nancy were at Norfolk Island. In 1968 Les subdivided and sold part to Ralph Masters. For several years prior to 1978 the farm was in maize. In 1978 Erich Oettli bought all but 15 acres on which Les and Nancy built a new Lockwood home. Les died in 1982 and Nancy sold to the Ryans in late 1983 when she moved to Norfolk Island. (Barry and Pamela Marsh now own the homestead block -bought from Erich Oettli).
In 1966 Hans and Elise (Lisa) Oettli and their son Erich came to live on Friedlander Road. Hans bought the exHarington-Lye farm. They lived in the newer home (built by Alec Lye) and Hans' parents lived in the old Harington homestead (now gone). Lisa's mother lived with Lisa and Hans until her death in 1969.
Hans quickly became involved in district affairs, particularly Federated Farmers andthe hall committee.
Erich, a talented musician, married Jenny in 1971 and they spent nearly two years overseas before returning to work the farm; Hans and Lisa retired to town in 1973. Hans died suddenly the following year. Several subdivisions later Jenny and Erich, in 1982, moved to Kaukapakapa with their two children.
J. Morrison now owns the homestead block.
Hugo and Dora van Woerden sharemilked for four years for the White family before buying their first block of land in behind the McGough property on Eureka Avenue. The van Woerdens bought from Grays in 1964 and in 1973 bought an adjoining block from Habrakens. Their son John and foster son Wayne Robb were educated at Eureka School. Hugo and Dora played an active role in school and district. Hugo was secretary for the local branch of Federated Farmers for many years. In 1982 they moved to Waikino and a sharemilker is now employed to run their farm.
Mr and Mrs Chanan Singh and family came to Eureka in 1962. They bought a farm on Eureka Road from Arthur Pemberton. Mr Singh worked the farm with the aid of his family: Narrinder, Surrinder, Harrinder (Harry), Surrinder Kaur, Davmder, and Davinder Kaur (Vindy). Surrinder Kaur, Davinder and Vindy attended school in Eureka. Harry served his motor mechanic apprenticeship with Joe Stockman at Eureka Motors.
In 1965 more land was bought on the opposite side of the road (now McCurdys'), and about 1970 another house was moved on to the farm (now Morris').
The family were very involved in badminton and cricket and the boys were representative hockey players. Narrinder and both Surrinders married during their time in Eureka and Surrinder's two daughters started school in Eureka.
The Singhs sold to Wim and Ria van Vugt in 1979 and moved to Hamilton.
The foregoing brief profiles of many of the families who bought land and settled the district between the 1870s and 1960s, have been compiled from information provided by themselves, their descendants, or from research.
Tribute must here be paid to the numerous sharemilkers and farm workers, many of long-standing who, over the years, contributed greatly to the growth and development of our community. We regret that unfortunately it was impossible to trace and record these families individually and fairly.