Ncwstead Hall during demolition in 1976.
Before the hall was built any gatherings were held at the school or in residences.
Shortly after Charles and Lillian Nott and their family came to the district they saw the need for a district hall and after discussion with William Griffin it was decided to put the proposal to the district.
A meeting of residents was held on October 7th, 1925, and support for the project was given. A committee comprising Messrs W. Griffin, chairman; W. Franklin, secretary; C. Nott, treasurer; S. Fagan, G. Lusby and Mesdames L. Nott and M. Lusby.
Mr Fagan's offer of a site on the western side of the railway crossing was gratefully accepted.
The district had been canvassed for funds to enable work to begin. A carpenter, Mr A. Crawford, was employed to supervise residents who volunteered their labour to build the hall. The committee was very particular with the specifications for the materials to be used. Funds were also raised by holding dances in the school.
Just eight months from the first meeting of residents the 50ft x 30ft hall was officially opened on June 8th, 1926, by the Hon. J. A Young, Minister of Health. In 1928 the committee engaged William Hogan to build a supper room on to the the main hall in 1928. In the 60's a store room for bowling mats, etc. was added to the front of the supper room.
Apart from serving its purpose as the social centre of the district, the hall also housed classes from the school in the late 1950's.
The building was demolished in 1976.